ZIEGLER ROSA H.  (Germany)
Interpreti/Main Actor
Ceci Cu
Lingua/Language   German
Sottotitoli/Subtitles   Inglese
Produzione/Production   Wendländische Filmkooperative (Germany)
Anno/Year   2011
Durata/Running time   21' 3''
Le adolescenti Jamie e Leo scappano di casa. Durante la fuga attraverso boschi e campagne devono fare i conti con la nuova libertā conquistata e imparare a rapportarsi con l'ambiente che le circonda e tra di loro.
The teenagers Jamie and Leo ran away from their residential home. On their way across woods and medows the girls have to cope with their newly gained freedom and the unused environment as well as their relationship to each other. Leo uses her cell phone to document their trip. At a gas station, the girls got into an escalation.