Jutro mnie tu nie bedzie (I won't be here tomorrow)
Interpreti/Main Actor
Julia Kijowska, Dorota Kolak, Lidia Korsakowna, Malgorzata Buczowska-Szlenkier
Lingua/Language   Polish
Sottotitoli/Subtitles   Inglese
Produzione/Production   Polish National Film School in Lodz (Poland)
Anno/Year   2010
Durata/Running time   28' 00''
Marta, un medico trentenne che vive con la madre, cerca di liberarsi dall'influenza deleteria che la madre esercita su di lei.
Marta is a thirty year old doctor who lives with her mother. The film pictures her attempts to free herself from her the toxic influence that her mother has on her. The secrets and resentments concealed by Poland’s wealthy middle class are difficult to break free from even when you are already an adult.