Jaful (The Robbery)
Interpreti/Main Actor
Crina Semciuc, Mihaia Stanescu, Ionut Grama, Dan Radulescu
Lingua/Language   Romanian
Sottotitoli/Subtitles   Inglese
Produzione/Production   Dan Burlac / Elefant Film (Romania)
Anno/Year   2011
Durata/Running time   13' 40''
Edy e Laura decidono di diventare ladri. Durante il loro primo colpo , Edy si accorge che la casa che stanno svaligiando appartiene all'amante segreto della mamma di Laura. Decidono di abbandonare l'appartamento, ma quando aprono la porta si trovano di fronte due giovani Evangelisti......
Edy and Laura turn into first-time thieves. After a night without sleep, they decide to make their first hit. While they are searching the “victim’s” apartment, Edy discovers that it belongs to the secret lover of Laura’s mother. They decide to leave the apartment, but as they open the door, they run into two young Evangelists. Edy forces them to take off all their clothes, ties them, and leave the two Evangelists with a dilemma: would they steal clothes from the apartment in order to save themselves? Their decision will gather the four of them once again