The artist |
Regia/Direction |
STEWART AURRA STORM (United Kingdom) |
Interpreti/Main Actor |
Aurra Storm Stewart director, animator
Alexander Cameron CGI generalist
Stefan Ash CGI environments
Magnus Kravik animator
Katerina Pantela animator, backgrounds
Anne Rufin - animator
Kehan Wang animator, backgrounds
Holley Gray composer
Michael Willstead sound designer
Lars Eriksen compositor
Erin Hopkins - editor
N.D. |
AURRA STORM STEWART (United Kingdom) |
2011 |
Durata/Running time
3' 54'' |
Sinossi |
Seguiamo Thomas nel suo percorso di scoperta creativa. Lo vedremo passare da giovane spensierato ad adulto sicuro di se mentre esplora il mondo della sua immaginazione. |
Synopsis |
We Follow Thomas as he begins his journey of creative discovery. We see him grow from a young care-free boy to a confident adult as he explores the world of his imagination. |